Upgrading from 0.1.x to 0.2.x

  • Major Refactoring of application services configuration

    A major refactoring of the way that application services (like ImageSource, RulesSource, etc.) are handled/located was introduced in version 0.2.0. This change is NOT backward compatible and it requires changes to both the application context XML file and to source code that used the ApplicationServices class.

    A new ApplicationServicesLocator singleton has been introduced in order to remove the coupling with the Application object (this improves the modularity of the overall framework. The ApplicationServices class has been changed into an interface and a new DefaultApplicationServices class has been created to provide the basic functionality. The new DefaultApplicationServices class must be configured in the application context (or programatically) to register the needed runtime services. The application context will no longer be searched for beans with magic names. A typical configuration would look something like this:

        <bean id="serviceLocator" class="org.springframework.richclient.application.ApplicationServicesLocator">
            <property name="applicationServices" ref="applicationServices"/>
        <bean id="applicationServices" singleton="true"
            <property name="imageSource" ref="imageSource"/>
            <property name="rulesSource" ref="rulesSource"/>
            <property name="formComponentInterceptorFactory" ref="formComponentInterceptorFactory"/>
            <property name="applicationObjectConfigurerId"><idref bean="applicationObjectConfigurer"/></property>

    Note that the DefaultApplicationServices implementation provides setter methods for each of the standard platform services. It also contains a mechanism to register a whole set of services using the registryEntries property. The entryMap parameter must be a map with keys that are either class instances (the serviceType) or the String name of the class and values that are the implementation to use for that service.

    It is critical that any services that you are using be registered on the applicationServices instance, as they will no longer be located using the old magic bean names.

    Also, many of the core services have been updated to use the new service locator pattern to locate other services instead of requiring explicit configuration in the application context. For example, previously, to define the IconSource, you had to configure a bean with a constructor argument referencing the ImageSource, like this:

        <bean id="iconSource"
            <constructor-arg index="0" ref="imageSource"/>

    With the new service resolution, this is no longer necessary. In fact, since the default IconSource references the registered ImageSource there isn't even a need to define the iconSource bean in the context any more. This kind of runtime resolution also applies to the applicationObjectConfigurer , which used to require 3 constructor arguments. It no longer requires this explicit configuration, you can simply declare the bean like this:

        <bean id="applicationObjectConfigurer" depends-on="serviceLocator"

    Note the "depends-on" attribute. This is necessary in order to ensure that the service locator is constructed before the AOC.

    There is a subtle chicken and egg problem with the service locator and the AOC. Since the AOC needs the service locator to be constructed before it and the AOC also needs to be registered as a runtime service, we have to play a subtle game to break the circular dependency. This is accomplished by registering the AOC runtime service (in the applicationServices configuration, using its bean id, not a direct reference to the bean. You can see this in the code (repeated from above):

        <property name="applicationObjectConfigurerId"><idref bean="applicationObjectConfigurer"/></property>

    The best way to see how the application context should now be configured is to look at the simple sample.

    Ok, enough with the application context, let's talk about the changes to how services are accessed at runtime. In version 0.1.0, you would access a service by using a simple getter method on the ApplicationServices class, like this:

        IconSource iconSource = Application.services().getIconSource();

    In the new version, there are no specific getters for the individual services. Instead, there is a general Object getServices( Class serviceType ) method. You pass it the type of the service you need and it returns the implementation. So, the new way to make the same request as above would be:

        IconSource iconSource = (IconSource)ApplicationServicesLocator.services().getService(IconSource.class);

    Note that that ApplicationServicesAccessor base class has been updated to make appropriate delegated calls, so it can continue to be used as is. Also, the Application.services() method still exists, it just delegates to ApplicationServicesLocator.services() .

    One final note. The order of object initialization has gotten a little more sensitive with this change. Previously, several classes used a member initializer to obtain a reference to a needed service (like LabeledEnumResolver). This can be a problem now if the class in question is itself a service that needs to be registered with the service locator. If so (as was the DefaultComponentFactory for example), then you need to refactor the member initializer to use runtime resolution instead. As a concrete example, the code in DefaultFormFactory used to have this initializer:

        private LabeledEnumResolver enumResolver = (LabeledEnumResolver)ApplicationServicesLocator.services().getService(LabeledEnumResolver.class);

    Now, this code should be used (and all references to the eunumResolver member should be replaced with calls to getEnumResolver ):

        public void setEnumResolver(LabeledEnumResolver enumResolver) {
            this.enumResolver = enumResolver;
        protected LabeledEnumResolver getEnumResolver() {
            if (enumResolver == null) {
                enumResolver = (LabeledEnumResolver)ApplicationServicesLocator.services().getService(LabeledEnumResolver.class);
            return enumResolver;

    should now be

        CommandConfigurer commandConfigurer = (CommandConfigurer) ApplicationServicesLocator.services()

    In order to support simple programmatic use of the ApplicationServices , a new StaticApplicationServices class has been provided. It has a simple registerService(Object service, Class serviceInterface) method for registering a service.

    And lastly, there is a new test case base class that makes getting the proper application and services locator configured, named SpringRichTestClass . Take a look at how it's used in the existing test classes for more details. All new tests should use this class as their base class.

  • Change of "property" to "field" on forms and form models

    In order to remove confusion regarding form fields and object properties, the use of the word "property" has been replaced with "field" in all the Form and FormModel contexts. This should make clear the distinction between a property (in the java beans sense) on a model object and the fields (visual abstractions and value models) in a form or form model that are generally derived from (bound to) object properties.

    The following tables list the changes made the names of classes and methods.

    Old Class Name New Class Name
    FormPropertyFaceDescriptor FieldFace
    DefaultFormPropertyFaceDescriptor DefaultFieldFace
    FormPropertyFaceDescriptorSource FieldFaceSource
    MessageSourceFormPropertyFaceDescriptorSource MessageSourceFieldFaceSource
    AbstractCachingPropertyFaceDescriptorSource CachingFieldFaceSource
    PropertyMetaData FieldMetadata
    PropertyMetaDataImpl DefaultFieldMetadata
    PropertyMetadataImplTests DefaultFieldMetadataTests
    Class name changes
    Old method Name New Method Name
    FormModel.getPropertyMetadata FormModel.getFieldMetadata
    FormModel.getFormPropertyFaceDescriptor FormModel.getFieldFace
    AbstractFormModel.setFormPropertyFaceDescriptorSource AbstractFormModel.setFieldFaceSource
    AbstractFormModel.getFormPropertyFaceDescriptorSource AbstractFormModel.getFieldFaceSource
    FormPropertyFaceDescriptorSource.getFormPropertyFaceDescriptor FieldFaceSource.getFieldFace
    AbstractCachingPropertyFaceDescriptorSource.loadFormPropertyFaceDescriptor CachingFieldFaceSource.loadFieldFace
    DefaultApplicationServices.setFormPropertyFaceDescriptorSource DefaultApplicationServices.setFieldFaceSource
    AbstractBinding.getFormPropertyFaceDescriptor AbstractBinding.getFieldFace
    Method name changes
  • Already changed in a previous upgrade item: DefaultApplicationServices's applicationObjectConfigurerBeanId renamed to applicationObjectConfigurerId
  • Inject id's into applicationServices instead of the beans itself (to avoid chicken-and-egg problems).


        <bean id="applicationServices"
            <property name="applicationObjectConfigurer" ref="applicationObjectConfigurer"/>
            <property name="binderSelectionStrategy" ref="binderSelectionStrategy"/>
            <property name="formComponentInterceptorFactory" ref="formComponentInterceptorFactory"/>
            <property name="imageSource" ref="imageSource"/>
            <property name="rulesSource" ref="rulesSource"/>


        <bean id="applicationServices"
            <property name="applicationObjectConfigurerId"><idref bean="applicationObjectConfigurer" /></property>
            <property name="binderSelectionStrategyId"><idref bean="binderSelectionStrategy"/></property>
            <property name="formComponentInterceptorFactoryId"><idref bean="formComponentInterceptorFactory"/></property>
            <property name="imageSourceId"><idref bean="imageSource"/></property>
            <property name="rulesSourceId"><idref bean="rulesSource"/></property>
  • JGoodies looks has been upgraded from 1.x to 2.x. If you used com.jgoodies.looks.FontSizeHints , you should now use com.jgoodies.looks.FontPolicy .
  • Binder for JComboBox and JList changed.

    Context parameter selectableItemsHolder changed to selectableItems . The value of this property can now be any type as long as a converter is available to convert the type to javax.swing.ListModel . The getter/setter for selectableItemsHolder changed to selectableItems and have type Object instead of ValueModel now.

    ListBinding does not support context keys or properties selectedItemHolder , selectedItemType and model any more. model is replaced with selectableItems which accepts instances of javax.swing.ListModel . selectedItemHolder and selectedItemType where now determined from the field to which the list is bound to. The field type can be any type as long as a converter is available to convert instances of Object[] to the field type and the field type to Object[] .


    If you used custom renderers or editors, update them to use closures and pass the value:

        context.put(ComboBoxBinder.EDITOR_KEY, new BeanPropertyValueComboBoxEditor("fullName"));

    changes into:

        context.put(ComboBoxBinder.EDITOR_KEY, new Closure() {
            public Object call(Object value) {
                return new BeanPropertyValueComboBoxEditor((ComboBoxEditor) value, "fullName");
  • Spring binding jar updated. Note that this jar is not part of the spring jars or the spring-richclient jars.
  • ApplicationWindow/ApplicationPage/PageComponentPane updates The magic bean name applicationWindowPrototype for instantiating a ApplicationWindow has been removed. Now you have to create a ApplicationWindowFactory implementation and register it as a service in the applicationServices .

    Implementing a custom ApplicationWindow just to create a custom ApplicationPage is no longer necessary, see the next paragraph

    The magic bean name defaultApplicationPagePrototype for instantiating a ApplicationPage has been removed. Now you have to create a ApplicationPageFactory implementation and register it as a service in the applicationServices .

    PageComponentPane has become an interface. The previous implementation has moved to DefaultPageComponentPane

  • The GlazedTableModel contructor no longer requires or wants a MessageSource .