Latest stable release

Stable releases are available from SourceForge .

Maven 2 releases

Add this in your pom.xml and run mvn compile or mvn install . Replace VERSION with the latest version.

        <name>Spring rich client repository</name>

Warning: The current repostory, at SourceForge, disconnects quite often on large files, so you might need to rerun the maven command several times...

Note: If you are using spring-richclient in multiple modules, make use of dependencyManagement .

Nightly builds (unstable)

There are 2 ways to get a nightly build

  • The latest snapshots are sometimes available in the snapshot repository .

    You can also configure this in your pom.xml if like to live on the edge (and shoot yourself in the foot).

  • You can build the latest snapshots from source (RECOMMENDED).

    Checkout spring-richclient from the source repository , build it with mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install and then optionally deploy it to your internal repo if other team members need it:

    mvn -Dmaven.skip.test -DaltDeploymentRepository=myOwn::default::scp://myRepoIp/myRepoPath deploy

    This way you'll only update to the latest snapshot when you're ready (and have read the upgrading guide). More information in the the development guide .