Interface WizardContainer

All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicWizardDialog, SetupWizardDialog, WizardDialog

public interface WizardContainer

Interface for containers that can host a wizard. It displays wizard pages, at most one of which is considered the current page. getCurrentPage returns the current page; showPage programmatically changes the the current page. Note that the pages need not all belong to the same wizard.

The class WizardDialog provides a fully functional implementation of this interface which will meet the needs of most clients. However, clients are also free to implement this interface if WizardDialog does not suit their needs.

Implementors are responsible for disposing of their wizards.

Method Summary
 WizardPage getCurrentPage()
          Returns the current wizard page for this container.
 void showPage(WizardPage page)
          Makes the given page visible.

Method Detail


WizardPage getCurrentPage()
Returns the current wizard page for this container.

the current wizard page, or null if the container is not yet showing the wizard
See Also:


void showPage(WizardPage page)
Makes the given page visible.

This method should not be use for normal page sequencing (back, next) which is handled by the container itself. It may, however, be used to move to another page in response to some custom action such as double clicking in a list.

page - the page to show
See Also:

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