Package org.springframework.richclient.text

Interface Summary

Class Summary
DefaultHyperlinkActivationHandler An implementation of HyperlinkListener that will open a web browser when a URL is activated or, when an anchor link is activated scoll the pane to display the anchor location.
HtmlPane An extension of JTextPane for displaying HTML with the system LaF.
SelectAllFormComponentInterceptorFactory Implements "select all" behaviour for form components.
SynchronousHTMLEditorKit A HTMLEditorKit that loads all images and HTML synchronously.
TextCaretFormComponentInterceptorFactory If the text is set in a text component, the caret position is set to the end of the text.
TextComponentInterceptor Abstract base class for FormComponentInterceptors that work on JTextComponents.
TextComponentPopup Helper class that decorates a JTextComponent with a standard popup menu.
TextComponentPopup.DefaultKeymap We need this class since keymaps are shared in jvm This class is a 100% copy of the jdk class {@link JTextComponent#DefaultKeymap
TimeFormat A text formatter that formats time periods (durations.)

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