Interface LoginAware

public interface LoginAware

A Spring managed bean implementing this interface will be automatically notified of any user login or logout activities. Any bean implementing this interface will have userLogin(Authentication) or userLogout(Authentication), called when the user performs a login or logout activity, respectively.

In order for this notification to take place, a singleton, non-lazy instance of SecurityAwareConfigurer must be defined in the Spring ApplicationContext. See SecurityAwareConfigurer for configuration details.

If a class needs to track the actual security event lifecycle, then it should implement ApplicationListener and watch for instances of ClientSecurityEvent events.

Larry Streepy
See Also:
ApplicationListener, AuthenticationAware, ClientSecurityEvent, SecurityAwareConfigurer

Method Summary
 void userLogin(org.acegisecurity.Authentication authentication)
          Called when a user has successfully logged in.
 void userLogout(org.acegisecurity.Authentication authentication)
          Called when a user has logged out.

Method Detail


void userLogin(org.acegisecurity.Authentication authentication)
Called when a user has successfully logged in. The authentication token is the token returned from the authenticate method call.

authentication - token


void userLogout(org.acegisecurity.Authentication authentication)
Called when a user has logged out.

authentication - token in place prior to the logout

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