Uses of Class

Packages that use TableLayoutBuilder

Uses of TableLayoutBuilder in org.springframework.richclient.form.builder

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.form.builder that return TableLayoutBuilder
 TableLayoutBuilder TableFormBuilder.getLayoutBuilder()
          Returns the layout builder which is used to build the layout of the added fields and labels

Constructors in org.springframework.richclient.form.builder with parameters of type TableLayoutBuilder
TableFormBuilder(BindingFactory bindingFactory, TableLayoutBuilder tableLayoutBuilder)
          Creates an instances of the TableFormBuilder by using a BindingFactory and a given

Uses of TableLayoutBuilder in org.springframework.richclient.layout

Methods in org.springframework.richclient.layout that return TableLayoutBuilder
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.cell()
          Inserts an empty cell at the current row/column.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.cell(JComponent component)
          Inserts a component at the current row/column.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.cell(JComponent component, String attributes)
          Inserts a component at the current row/column.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.cell(String attributes)
          Inserts an empty cell at the current row/column.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.gapCol()
          Inserts a related component gap column.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.gapCol(com.jgoodies.forms.layout.ColumnSpec colSpec)
          Inserts a gap column with the specified colSpec.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.gapCol(String colSpec)
          Inserts a gap column with the specified colSpec.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.labelGapCol()
          Inserts a label component gap column.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.relatedGapRow()
          Inserts a new row.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.row()
          Inserts a new row.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.row(com.jgoodies.forms.layout.RowSpec gapRowSpec)
          Inserts a new row.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.row(String gapRowSpec)
          Inserts a new row.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.separator(String labelKey)
          Inserts a separator with the given label.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.separator(String labelKey, String attributes)
          Inserts a separator with the given label.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.unrelatedGapCol()
          Inserts a unrelated component gap column.
 TableLayoutBuilder TableLayoutBuilder.unrelatedGapRow()
          Inserts a new row.

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