Class GridBagLayoutFormBuilder

  extended by org.springframework.richclient.form.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
      extended by org.springframework.richclient.form.builder.GridBagLayoutFormBuilder
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class GridBagLayoutFormBuilder
extends AbstractFormBuilder
implements LayoutBuilder

See Also:

Nested Class Summary
protected  class GridBagLayoutFormBuilder.FormModelAwareGridBagLayoutBuilder
Constructor Summary
GridBagLayoutFormBuilder(BindingFactory bindingFactory)
Method Summary
 GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendLabeledField(String propertyName)
          Appends a label and field to the end of the current line.
 GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendLabeledField(String propertyName, int colSpan)
          Appends a label and field to the end of the current line.
 GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendLabeledField(String propertyName, JComponent field, LabelOrientation labelOrientation)
          Appends a label and field to the end of the current line.
 GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendLabeledField(String propertyName, JComponent field, LabelOrientation labelOrientation, int colSpan)
          Appends a label and field to the end of the current line.
 GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendLabeledField(String propertyName, JComponent field, LabelOrientation labelOrientation, int colSpan, int rowSpan, boolean expandX, boolean expandY)
          Appends a label and field to the end of the current line.
 GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendLabeledField(String propertyName, LabelOrientation labelOrientation)
          Appends a label and field to the end of the current line.
 GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendLabeledField(String propertyName, LabelOrientation labelOrientation, int colSpan)
          Appends a label and field to the end of the current line.
 GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendSeparator()
          Appends a separator (usually a horizontal line).
 GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendSeparator(String labelKey)
          Appends a separator (usually a horizontal line) using the provided string as the key to look in the ComponentFactory'smessage bundle for the text to put along with the separator.
 GridBagLayoutBuilder getBuilder()
          Returns the underlying GridBagLayoutFormBuilder.FormModelAwareGridBagLayoutBuilder.
 JPanel getPanel()
          Creates and returns a JPanel with all the given components in it, using the "hints" that were provided to the builder.
 GridBagLayoutFormBuilder nextLine()
          Ends the current line and starts a new one
 void setAutoSpanLastComponent(boolean autoSpanLastComponent)
 void setComponentFactory(ComponentFactory componentFactory)
          Set the ComponentFactory.
 void setShowGuidelines(boolean showGuidelines)
          Should this show "guidelines"? Useful for debugging layouts.
Methods inherited from class org.springframework.richclient.form.builder.AbstractFormBuilder
createBinding, createBinding, createDefaultBinding, createLabelFor, createPasswordField, createScrollPane, createSelector, createTextArea, getBindingFactory, getComponentFactory, getFormComponentInterceptor, getFormModel, setFormComponentInterceptorFactory
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public GridBagLayoutFormBuilder(BindingFactory bindingFactory)
Method Detail


public final GridBagLayoutBuilder getBuilder()
Returns the underlying GridBagLayoutFormBuilder.FormModelAwareGridBagLayoutBuilder. Should be used with caution.

never null


public void setComponentFactory(ComponentFactory componentFactory)
Description copied from class: AbstractFormBuilder
Set the ComponentFactory.

setComponentFactory in class AbstractFormBuilder


public GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendLabeledField(String propertyName)
Appends a label and field to the end of the current line.

The label will be to the left of the field, and be right-justified.
The field will "grow" horizontally as space allows.

propertyName - the name of the property to create the controls for
"this" to make it easier to string together append calls
See Also:
FormModelHelper#createLabel(String), FormModelHelper#createBoundControl(String)


public GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendLabeledField(String propertyName,
                                                   int colSpan)
Appends a label and field to the end of the current line.

The label will be to the left of the field, and be right-justified.
The field will "grow" horizontally as space allows.

propertyName - the name of the property to create the controls for
colSpan - the number of columns the field should span
"this" to make it easier to string together append calls
See Also:
FormModelHelper#createLabel(String), FormModelHelper#createBoundControl(String)


public GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendLabeledField(String propertyName,
                                                   LabelOrientation labelOrientation)
Appends a label and field to the end of the current line.

The label will be to the left of the field, and be right-justified.
The field will "grow" horizontally as space allows.

propertyName - the name of the property to create the controls for
"this" to make it easier to string together append calls
See Also:
FormModelHelper#createLabel(String), FormModelHelper#createBoundControl(String)


public GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendLabeledField(String propertyName,
                                                   LabelOrientation labelOrientation,
                                                   int colSpan)
Appends a label and field to the end of the current line.

The label will be to the left of the field, and be right-justified.
The field will "grow" horizontally as space allows.

propertyName - the name of the property to create the controls for
colSpan - the number of columns the field should span
"this" to make it easier to string together append calls
See Also:
FormModelHelper#createLabel(String), FormModelHelper#createBoundControl(String)


public GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendLabeledField(String propertyName,
                                                   JComponent field,
                                                   LabelOrientation labelOrientation)
Appends a label and field to the end of the current line.

The label will be to the left of the field, and be right-justified.
The field will "grow" horizontally as space allows.

propertyName - the name of the property to create the controls for
"this" to make it easier to string together append calls
See Also:
FormModelHelper#createLabel(String), FormModelHelper#createBoundControl(String)


public GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendLabeledField(String propertyName,
                                                   JComponent field,
                                                   LabelOrientation labelOrientation,
                                                   int colSpan)
Appends a label and field to the end of the current line.

The label will be to the left of the field, and be right-justified.
The field will "grow" horizontally as space allows.

propertyName - the name of the property to create the controls for
colSpan - the number of columns the field should span
"this" to make it easier to string together append calls
See Also:
FormModelHelper#createLabel(String), FormComponentInterceptor.processLabel(String, JComponent)


public GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendLabeledField(String propertyName,
                                                   JComponent field,
                                                   LabelOrientation labelOrientation,
                                                   int colSpan,
                                                   int rowSpan,
                                                   boolean expandX,
                                                   boolean expandY)
Appends a label and field to the end of the current line.

The label will be to the left of the field, and be right-justified.
The field will "grow" horizontally as space allows.

propertyName - the name of the property to create the controls for
colSpan - the number of columns the field should span
"this" to make it easier to string together append calls
See Also:
FormModelHelper#createLabel(String), FormComponentInterceptor.processLabel(String, JComponent)


public GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendSeparator()
Appends a separator (usually a horizontal line). Has an implicit nextLine()before and after it.

"this" to make it easier to string together append calls


public GridBagLayoutFormBuilder appendSeparator(String labelKey)
Appends a separator (usually a horizontal line) using the provided string as the key to look in the ComponentFactory'smessage bundle for the text to put along with the separator. Has an implicit nextLine()before and after it.

"this" to make it easier to string together append calls


public GridBagLayoutFormBuilder nextLine()
Ends the current line and starts a new one

"this" to make it easier to string together append calls


public void setShowGuidelines(boolean showGuidelines)
Should this show "guidelines"? Useful for debugging layouts.


public JPanel getPanel()
Creates and returns a JPanel with all the given components in it, using the "hints" that were provided to the builder.

Specified by:
getPanel in interface LayoutBuilder
a new JPanel with the components laid-out in it


public void setAutoSpanLastComponent(boolean autoSpanLastComponent)
See Also:

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