Interface ValidationResults

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultValidationResults, DefaultValidationResultsModel, EmptyValidationResults

public interface ValidationResults

Interface to be implemented by objects that hold a list of validation results for a specific object.

Oliver Hutchison
See Also:

Method Summary
 boolean getHasErrors()
          Returns true of there are any validation messages of Severity.ERROR.
 boolean getHasInfo()
          Returns true of there are any validation messages of Severity.INFO.
 boolean getHasWarnings()
          Returns true of there are any validation messages of Severity.WARNING.
 int getMessageCount()
          Returns the total number of validation messages.
 int getMessageCount(Severity severity)
          Returns the total number of validation messages of the specified Severity.
 int getMessageCount(String propertyName)
          Returns the total number of validation messages that apply to the specified property name.
 Set getMessages()
          Returns a set holding all of the validation messages.
 Set getMessages(Severity severity)
          Returns a set holding all of the validation messages of the specified Severity.
 Set getMessages(String propertyName)
          Returns a set holding all of the validation messages that apply to the specified property name.

Method Detail


boolean getHasErrors()
Returns true of there are any validation messages of Severity.ERROR.


boolean getHasWarnings()
Returns true of there are any validation messages of Severity.WARNING.


boolean getHasInfo()
Returns true of there are any validation messages of Severity.INFO.


int getMessageCount()
Returns the total number of validation messages.


int getMessageCount(Severity severity)
Returns the total number of validation messages of the specified Severity.


int getMessageCount(String propertyName)
Returns the total number of validation messages that apply to the specified property name.


Set getMessages()
Returns a set holding all of the validation messages.


Set getMessages(Severity severity)
Returns a set holding all of the validation messages of the specified Severity.


Set getMessages(String propertyName)
Returns a set holding all of the validation messages that apply to the specified property name.

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