Interface ValidationMessage

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public interface ValidationMessage
extends Message

A specific type of message that relates to a property. ValidationMessages often find their origin in validation triggered by a constraint on a property. This information is additionally kept available in this ValidationMessage.

Field Summary
          The property name for messages that have a global scope i.e.
Method Summary
 String getProperty()
          The property that this validation message applies to; or GLOBAL_PROPERTY if this message does not apply to a specific property.
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.richclient.core.Message
getMessage, getSeverity, getTimestamp, renderMessage

Field Detail


static final String GLOBAL_PROPERTY
The property name for messages that have a global scope i.e. do not apply to a specific property.

Method Detail


String getProperty()
The property that this validation message applies to; or GLOBAL_PROPERTY if this message does not apply to a specific property.

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