Package org.springframework.richclient.application

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Base application interfaces/classes.


Interface Summary
ApplicationPage An ApplicationPage is a container for PageComponent s.
ApplicationPageFactory Service interface for creating ApplicationPages.
ApplicationServices A service locator that can retrieve instances of a service by class type.
ApplicationWindow A main application window (or frame) consisting of a menu bar, tool bar, single page (content pane), and status bar.
ApplicationWindowFactory Service interface for creating ApplicationWindows.
PageComponent A page component is displayed within an area on the page associated with an application window.
PageComponentDescriptor Metadata about a page component; a page component is effectively a singleton page component definition.
PageComponentPane A PageComponentPane is a container that holds the PageComponent's control, and can add extra decorations (add a toolbar, a border, ...)
PageComponentPaneFactory Service interface for creating PageComponentPanes.
PageDescriptorRegistry A registry for PageDescriptor definitions.
PageListener Client interface for listening to page lifecycle events.
View A view is a panel-like component displayed within an area on the page associated with an application window.
ViewDescriptor Metadata about a view; a view descriptor is effectively a singleton view definition.
ViewDescriptorRegistry A registry for ViewDescriptor definitions.

Class Summary
Application A singleton workbench or shell of a rich client application.
ApplicationLauncher The main driver for a Spring Rich Client application.
ApplicationServicesLocator This class provides a singleton model for accessing the configured ApplicationServices object.
DefaultConversionServiceFactoryBean A factory bean that produces a conversion service installed with most converters needed by Spring Rich.
ProgressMonitoringBeanFactoryPostProcessor A BeanFactoryPostProcessor that notifies a specified ProgressMonitor of progress made while loading a bean factory.
SplashScreen Deprecated. use SimpleSplashScreen instead.
WindowManager A manager for a group of windows.

Exception Summary
ApplicationException Indicates that an application-level programming error or a runtime configuration error has occurred.
ConfigurationException Indicates that there is a problem with the runtime configuration of the application.
PropertyNotSetException Indicates that the initialization of an object has not set a required property.
ServiceNotFoundException Indicates that an application service of a given type could not be found.

Package org.springframework.richclient.application Description

Base application interfaces/classes.

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