Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
Package |
Tests |
Errors |
Failures |
Skipped |
Success Rate |
Time |
19 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100% |
0.049 |
24 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100% |
0.072 |
6 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100% |
0.017 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Class |
Tests |
Errors |
Failures |
Skipped |
Success Rate |
Time |
15 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100% |
0.056 |
9 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
100% |
0.016 |
testEventListenerListHelper |
0.01 |
testHasListeners |
0 |
testIsEmpty |
0 |
testGetListenerCount |
0 |
testGetListeners |
0 |
testIterator |
0.001 |
testFireByMethodName |
0.026 |
testFireByMethodNameWithOneArg |
0.001 |
testFireByMethodNameWithTwoArgs |
0.001 |
testFireByMethodNameWithArrayArg |
0.001 |
testAdd |
0 |
testAddAll |
0 |
testRemove |
0 |
testClear |
0 |
testToArray |
0 |
testGetFieldValue |
0.005 |
testGetPropertyClass |
0.001 |
testGetValueFromMapForClass |
0 |
testIsAProperty |
0 |
testQualifier |
0 |
testFindMethod |
0 |
testGetStaticMethod |
0.008 |
testGetClassFieldNameWithValue |
0 |
testUnqualify |
0 |
testIteratorProcessTemplateRunOnce |
0.009 |
testIteratorProcessTemplateRunMultiple |
0.001 |
testAnyTrue |
0.001 |
testFindFirst |
0.001 |
testFindAll |
0.002 |
testRunUntil |
0.001 |
testConstructor |
0.04 |
testForNullOrEmptyInput |
0 |
testValueOfWithValidSyntax |
0 |
testInvalidSyntax |
0 |
testForEscapedAmpersands |
0 |
testForEscapedBackslashes |
0 |
testForAtSymbols |
0 |
testEquals |
0.001 |
testHashCode |
0.001 |
testConstructorEmptyText |
0 |
testConstructorNullText |
0 |
testConstructorNegativeMnemonic |
0 |
testConfigureLabel |
0 |
testConfigureLabelNull |
0 |
testConfigureLabelFor |
0.001 |
testConfigureLabelForWithColon |
0.001 |
testConfigureLabelForJPanel |
0 |
testConstructorMnemonicIndexGreaterThanLength |
0 |
testConstructorNegativeMnemonicIndex |
0 |